Friday, March 25, 2011

New Release: 011

Someone was kind enough to send me a Pro X2 card, along with a plain X2. Before, I only had a 4GB "Wi-Fi" card. The new cards have some nice features, and this release adds support for a few of them, and few that I never got around to supporting before.
  • --transfer-mode: print or change card transfer mode or =help to list modes
  • --wifi-radio fetch wifi radio state, or turn it on and off
  • --endless: fetch or set endless storage trigger percentage
I'm also fairly sure at this point that the Ad-Hoc support in the "Pro" cards does not actually manifest in the card interface at all. I believe it still requires a DHCP server on the network. You use the same commands to add an Ad-Hoc network that you would to add a normal Infrastructure network.

Go ahead and download the new release here, or view the changelog if you want more details.


Br3nda of said...

Awesome !!!!
Great to see you back.

Unknown said...

hi there,
did you already see this:
it would be cool to manage to transfer pictures from the camera to the iphone with the normal cheaper eye-fi-card...

Thomas E. Keller said...

Thank you very much for the update. I recently purchased an X2 card myself and only realized after I got it that I had dug a hole for myself (I recently switched over to solely linux machines at my house).

Your work seems like I might get some use out of these neat devices after all.